Summer Solstice Arrives

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A few new gadgets

All right, I admit it...I love gadgets and have to be careful not to go overboard, but I have added three items that might be of interest. A Tolkien quote gadget that will hopefully change daily, a link box to various weather sites (a passion of mine), and a Celtic Radio box that will provide a bit of audio fun. And had to add a little Owl for some priceless wisdom....and to honor the Goddess of the Night.




  1. love the Green Man picture
    Happy New Year from england

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. love the little owl, he is very wise indeed!

    I love owls, kids bought me a new (toy) one for christmas! I caleed him Hermes....

    Leanne x

    NB I deleted my first comment- spelling mistake!!
